Thursday, July 19, 2007

To Pop or Not to Pop: When to Use Pop Up Windows

A question that frequently comes up during web site design and implementation projects is if and when to use pop up windows. When I refer to pop up windows, I am not referring to the light boxes or other dialogs that display to ask a question that you need to answer to continue or cancel a process.  Instead I am referring to popping up little (or large) windows that contain additional necessary information to continue or supplement what is going on within the context of what the user is currently doing.

So, the simple answer of when to use pop ups is: virtually never. But if you choose to use them, here are some of the basic pitfalls to avoid:

  1. Not including browser controls in a pop up window.
  2. Putting links in a small pop up window.
  3. Putting a large amount of content in a tiny pop up window.
  4. Breaking the user flow (and back button) by launching new windows with every click of the mouse.
  5. Search engines will not index the content.

These are just a few of the flaws that sites oftentimes contain with respect to popping up windows. Lets explore a few of them before discussing the very limited set of circumstances where you should use pop-ups.

The first is not including browser controls on a pop up window. This is a substantial usability error. First, if you are going to provide any links within the window, how is a user supposed to get back to the previous page. The back button is the most used button on any piece of software in the world. Why break it? Sure the user can use the right click menu, but most users either don't know about it or wouldn't think of it and Mac most Mac users don't have that option. Futhermore, what if the page failed to load correctly for some reason? We have all had this happen. The user would not be able to refresh the page. The Sprint PCS site is a great example of this. The picture shows a logged in view of my account. When a user clicks to view his bills he gets a small pop up that looks like this picture:

When one of the links is clicked a PDF (an issue for another day) is displayed in the tiny little browser window. If the wrong bill is chosen or the user was not sure of the month of the transaction of interest, he would have to then close the window, re-pop up the window, re-launch a different PDF and hope that was the right one. Not a good user experience.

The second and third issues are that people put links to other content in small pop up windows. The Sprint example works here as well, although you see this error on virtually every site with pop ups. Am I really going to view my entire bill in a tiny little window? No. The user can maximize the window or increase the size of the window if they want you say? Why bother making them? Why not just use the browser in the first place and not launch a new window? The reality is that it is probably due to a default setting in the backend billing system they use (maybe Checkfree), but that is no excuse not to fix it.

Another typical usability error is to automatically pop up a window. For years, launched a pop up to allow users to choose US or International edition and pop up blockers prevented it from being seen. They have finally fixed this in their recent redesign and simply show it on the page:

Another major usability flaw with respect to pop ups is to continually launch new windows breaking the user's ability to easily use the back button. Launching one new window is one thing. But if you are launching more windows than that you are forcing the user to figure out which window which content is in. Odds are they have other windows open on their computer as well. Furthermore, you break the back button and force users to constantly move the mouse to the upper right corner to close the window and then back down in the the browser to interact with the page.  I once watched an incredibly web-savvy ad agency executive be completely confused by constantly clicking a link that was opening in another tab on the browser.  He did not realize this and eventually closed the whole browser down and re-opened everything...during the middle of a presentation.  If a web-savvy exec is having trouble, how about your less skilled users?

And, finally, the last issue with pop ups is that the content within pop ups will not be indexed by search engines unless it is linked to elsewhere on the site.

There are, of course, a LIMITED set of circumstances under which popping up a window is acceptable. I hesitate to say pop up as well in that simply using the link attribute 'target="_blank"' to "launch" a new window is often a better approach because javascript pop ups are often blocked. The circumstances are as follows:

First, the amount of information in the pop up is so small that it fits in a small pop up and has no links. Good examples are the definition of a word or simple contact information or a small tip about using a site. However, if possible, I would suggest using a rollover for this type of information so that a user doesn't even have to bother clicking a link.

Second, if there is a need to preview content or compare something side-by-side and it won't fit in the same browser pane, then it is acceptable to pop up a new window. For instance, when editing your resume on or configuring something that you need to see how it looks (like "Previewing" your blog which actually does in the same pane these days).

Third, if the user has done a significant amount of work to configure a page (say running a detailed flight search on, and there is a chance that work may be lost or the page is better served as a jumping off point to investigate multiple options, then using a pop up may be appropriate.

Overall, the web is littered with pop ups that yield poor user experience. When in doubt, don't use them. If its good enough for Google not to use then, then it should be good enough, in most cases, for your site as well.

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Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Right Navigation vs. Left Navigation

There has been a very long-standing debate as to whether navigation is as effective on the left side of a browser pane versus the right side. There have been various studies that have found conflicting conclusions. One study that was originally done by Razorfish in Germany found that right navigation can be more efficient than left navigation (See study here). One of the core arguments in that study is that because the site navigation is located near the browser vertical scroll bar, there is less distance to move the mouse from a right navigation bar to move said scroll bar. Poynter Eye Tracking Studies also found that there were more fixations on right navigation, however, they were unsure whether that was due to the novelty factor since most web sites use left navigation.

My opinion is that placing the secondary or primary nav in the right navigation area is about the last place I would put it other than below the fold on the bottom of the page and out of sight. There are a number of reasons not to use this placement:

  1. Many user visits start at search engines where, frequently, ads fill the right column.
  2. Users are accustomed to finding related information on the right hand side of pages.
  3. The right hand side of the page is typically the last area users look toward during a visit.
  4. The right navigation can get cut off by the right edge of browsers (especially with tablet and mobile devices).
  5. The advent of the scrollable mouse makes gains in efficiency of the right hand browser scrollbar moot.
  6. Back Button placement.

Let's address these issues one by one.

One of the strongest arguments for not having right hand navigation is that many users start their visits from search engines.  On many search engines the right hand column is filled with ads.  In other words, many users have conditioned themselves not to look towards the right column.  Likewise, in point 2 above, many sites use the right column for related material from other sections of the site.  In a similar way to point 1, this conditions users not to look to the right column for things that are immediately relevant to what they are trying to find.

The third point is summed up by the following heat map summary image from the Poynter study:

Users go a lot of places before looking at the right side much.  In fact, in a recent usability study of some web conferencing application, I observed that one participant did not locate the right nav until 30 minutes into a 60 minute session, even though there were 2 other participants in the test with him talking to him the entire time.

Perhaps the most important point, however, is the perfect conditions under which many of these studies are performed. Browser widths are set prior to usability tests to be optimal width. This automatically eliminates the possibility that the menu will be cut off the right side of the screen.  In reality, there are inexperienced users who leave their windows set smaller than most or don't even realize they are set too narrowly. In these cases, we basically ensure that the user won't see right hand navigation because it will be cut off the right-hand side. That will never happen with left-hand navigation. Even more importantly, mobile web and tablet usage is increasing dramatically.  The devices have smaller screens, many of which ensure the navigation being cut off the right hand side.  Certainly this issue can be overcome with proper coding, but how many web sites do you know that are coded perfectly to size correctly with browser width? And if it's crunch time to deliver a site, do you think developers and product managers (who are likely to have large monitors) are paying attention to these types of issues?

To cap it off, the browser back button is probably the most used button on any piece of software in the world. It is to the opposite side of the right nav meaning greater distance to use it in a right nav situation, and decreased usability. It is important, as is the fact that having a scrollable mouse makes the efficiency gain in right nav placement being close to the scrollbar moot in many cases. Just think how annoying something as simple as Internet Explorer's placement of the refresh button on the opposite side of the browser from the back button. Notice how Chome and Firefox don't take that approach.

Overall, in designing I think we have to go with the lowest common denominator: User Success! Potentially having the right hand navigation cut off of the right hand side of the screen is not an acceptable option to ensure user success; nor is not locating the navigation in the few seconds of visiting the site because it is the last place one looks on a page. Thus, left navigation, in my view, is the far more viable navigation option than a right side navigation.

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